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Zeisu kiangah paipih
Dawi mangpa leh Kha Siangtho
Huhna Sanglo, Nolh kik
USA Zomite Khantohna ding kalkhat
Puteek Pa khat leh Tangval pa tangthu
Mi minthangte Kammal hoih pawl khat
Zomite Hong Ki Delh Ngei
Party sangin a Mi thupi zaw
Amah Ka Nau Hiven
Zomi Vaphual omdan nam 3
Thuman gen, Hangsan
A Gah ki Mu
Innkuan le Pawlpi
Lungdam lua pah ken!
Zomi Founder masa penpen
Zomi a it leh Mipihte a it
Pastor kahna Aw'
Saipi pai-in pailo ding mawleh...
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